by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Jul 14, 2024 | Before, Blog, Buying, Home, Inspection, Request, Should, Why
So you’ve found your dream house. You’re ready to make an offer, negotiate a little if necessary, then close the deal and move in. But what if there are problems with the home that you are unaware of?A home inspection can alert you to trouble... by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Apr 29, 2024 | Blog, Flood, Homeowner, Included, Insurance, Why
Homeowner’s insurance is an important thing for any homeowner to have. It covers your home and belongings if they are destroyed by disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, or fires. But many homeowners do not realize that standard homeowner’s... by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Apr 26, 2024 | Allow, Blog, Home, Important, Inspections, Selling, Why
Most homebuyers elect to have a home inspection done before they close the deal on their new home. Some mortgage companies even require that a home inspection be done before lending the money for the home’s purchase. Did you know that it’s a...