by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | May 2, 2024 | Agent, Blog, Hire, Home, Own, Sell, Should, Your
Selling a house is a big deal and you stand to gain or lose money depending on how the transaction is handled. You can put your home on the market and try to sell it on your own or you can hire an agent. There are pros and cons for doing it either way. If you... by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Apr 30, 2024 | Blog, For Sale, Home, Internet, Market, Use
When selling your home, you might think that you need a real estate agent to do it for you. If you’re not the type of person who is willing to market your home, then that’s probably true – because you will need to advertise that it’s for sale. But if you’re okay... by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Apr 26, 2024 | Allow, Blog, Home, Important, Inspections, Selling, Why
Most homebuyers elect to have a home inspection done before they close the deal on their new home. Some mortgage companies even require that a home inspection be done before lending the money for the home’s purchase. Did you know that it’s a... by San Vicente Palawan Lot for Sale | Apr 7, 2024 | Blog, Determining, Features, Have, Home, Must, New
Before you purchase a home – whether new or old – you should have a checklist of must-have features. You probably won’t get all of the features you want, but you can prioritize them into features you can’t live without and those you can compromise on.When your agent...